In the last couple months, I’ve discovered a thriving community of Science Fiction and Fantasy reviewers on YouTube.

I know, BookTube is not a new thing. But I’m late to every party. It’s my gift and my curse.

It’s theoretically possible some of you are as uncool as I was, and you aren’t currently watching BookTube videos. The time has come to remedy that situation.

Here are five of my favorite BookTube channels. This is not a complete list by any means, but it should be enough to get you started in the SFF BookTube world. I’ll post links to some other quality channels in the near future.

In no particular order:

Let’s Read posts witty and thoughtful sci-fi and fantasy reviews (such as the one below). Great production quality and great content.

Here’s another good one from Let’s Read: a heartfelt letter to books.

Nicole from Nicole’s Adventures in SFF makes insightful videos about her reading adventures in SFF (well-named channel!). Nicole is a graduate student studying biology (I think), so she brings a unique, real-world science perspective to her videos. She is the co-manager of the wonderful BookTube Reading Buddies group on Goodreads.

Nicole created the tag #booktubesff which is extremely helpful for finding SFF BookTube videos. Here she is introducing it.

Estelle from Audham EnTha is a French woman living in Japan. She is the other co-manager of the great BookTube Reading Buddies group on Goodreads.

Estelle has great camera presence and there is something very welcoming and friendly about her videos. Here she is talking about her October to-be-read list.

Michael from Bitten By a Radioactive Book is a prolific BookTuber who posts five videos a week. I like the way he keeps a regular schedule. I can always count on a book review from him on Mondays.

He is current in the midst of a video series in which he breaks down the subgenres of Fantasy. Here he is talking about high fantasy vs low fantasy.

Books and Pieces posts incredibly articulate reviews. She does a wonderful job bringing out the themes  and strengths of the books she reads.  Here she is talking about the novella TRADING ROSEMARY.

Finally, a note about my own Booktube channel.

I’m in a weird spot as a Booktube-loving writer. I love posting videos about what I’m reading. I also posting videos about my writing process, Q&As with readers, etc.

However, I think it’s important that I keep these two things distinct and separate.

I post BookTube videos because it is a hell of a lot of fun. I want to avoid any possible perception that I am posting BookTube videos in an attempt to somehow market my own stuff. I don’t think it’s fair to the viewer if they subscribe to my channel hoping to see discussions of SFF books and then they suddenly have a bunch of writing advice videos in their feed.

For those reasons, I have decided to split my YouTube presence into two channels.

My BookTube videos (and probably the occasional silly song) will be posted on the PT Hylton Reads channel. This is my existing channel, so if only care about my BookTube stuff and you are already subscribed, you are good to go.

My writing advice and Q&A videos will now be posted on the new and exciting PT Hylton Writes channel as well as here on the blog. A quick look at the analytics shows me most of you are viewing the writing videos here on the blog anyway (not the case with the BookTube videos). The PT Hylton Writes channel currently has no videos, but it will have one tomorrow!

I would love for you to subscribe to one my channels.

Or both.

Or neither. It’s cool. We can still be friends. Just don’t expect flowers on Valentine’s Day, understood?

End of programming note.

So, which wonderful SFF BookTubers did I miss? Leave your favorites in the comments below!

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