Despite a lifetime as an avid reader, I’ve never really been a part of a book club. I’ve tried to participate in some book discussion forums, but I haven’t found one that clicked for me. So sometimes it’s easy to forget how many people are just as passionate about books as I am.
Then I discovered BookTube.
Since then I’ve spent many happy hours watching people talk/gush/think deeply about books. And–no joke–every BookTuber I’ve interacted with has been super nice.
A couple BookTubers have recently posted reviews of my novella THORNS AND TANGLES.
Kitty G is one of my favorite BookTubers. She mostly discusses fantasy books, and she has the catchiest theme song EVER!
Craig is another great BookTuber. He reviews a wide variety of books from sci-fi to literary to horror. He mentioned my novella in his December wrap-up video.
If you would like to check out my BookTube channel, click here. Warning: I post a lot of videos.
If you have even a minor desire to start a BookTube channel, I high encourage you to do so. You’ve probably got a camera on your phone. Shoot a quick video, upload it, and see what happens. You’ll be surprised by the experiences you have and the friends you make.