I rarely hear authors really talking about their books. I mean, sure, we hear them promoting, talking about the premise, and maybe talking about the plot in vague terms, but we usually don’t get to hear them talk about the complete arc of the character, the key plot points late in the book, or how they approached the ending.

I get it. They don’t want to spoil the story for the readers. However, I feel like some endings need to be discussed. Some plot twists should be examined. That’s why I am doing a spoiler-filled Q&A about Regulation 19.

If you’ve read the book, tune in and watch me answer questions about anything and everything Regulation 19. You can even submit your own questions beforehand using the form below.

Ask me anything! Nothing is off limits! Examples: What’s Zed’s favorite meal? (Chicken parm.) Was Frank secretly attracted to the city manager? (No. What a weird question. Why would you ask that?) Why did you-know-who shoot you-know-whom at the you-know-where? (Please be more specific than this in your questions.)

The event starts at 9:30 PM Central on Friday, May 16th. You can watch by going to www.pthylton.com/live. I apologize to those of you in time zones where this is the middle of the night. I had a limited window to make this happen. If you can’t make it live, no worries! You can watch the recording later here or on YouTube.

The Q&A will be hosted by my good friend Andy ‘Pipes’ Piper of 5780 Designs so you know it will be a good time. Pipes and I hosted the podcast Six-String Bliss together for eight years, so I dare say we know our way around a microphone.

This is my first live/online event as an author, and I’m super excited. Can’t wait to see you there!


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