You can travel back in time, but you are only allowed to stay in the past for five seconds. Where would you go and what would you do?

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AFAQ (Anticipated Frequently Asked Questions):

Can I change the past? Like kill Hitler or cause my parents not to meet, etc? Yes. But you only have five seconds, so good luck with that! Oh, and read this article before you decide to kill Hitler.

Can I bring something from the past back to the future with me?  No, sorry. You can only take back what you brought with you.

Can I leave something from the present in the past? Nope. Whatever you bring with you to the past goes back with you to the present.

Read PT’s answer below, or go straight to the comments to enter your own.

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  1. I might tell myself to buy Bitcoins whilst they are still pennies and sell when they hit the peak. That's probably a bigger gain than any stock.

    But it would be cool to go back to some historical event/period and take a picture. I was thinking about seeing the dinosaurs, but there might be none around. I'd like to see the pyramids being built to answer that question.

  2. I would go to Calvary Hill and say "Thank you" to Christ at his Crusifixtion. Nothing that would change the world but knowing what I know now, would be the best use of 5 seconds I could think of.

  3. I would go to Calvary Hill and say "Thank you" to Christ at his Crusifixtion. Nothing that would change the world but knowing what I know now, would be the best use of 5 seconds I could think of.

  4. I have lost money before. I would go back and tell myself not to borrow money to a certain person. To be honest in my crazy mind changing anything can fuck up everything. What if my borrowing money to someone saved someone else that really needed it? Uggg. Exhausting. Think I will stay away from time travel.

  5. I would go back to see exactly where Captain Kidd buried his treasure…That way I can come back and launch a full expedition to find it making me a Discovery Channel Super Star….LOL

  6. I would/did tell hitler that the key to winning WWII was to fight a two front war. As you know from this timeline's history books, it was the reason why hitler lost the war. You can thank me from saving all of you from the original time line. Plus now we have pet rocks.

  7. I would tell my college self to have more sex. Not like I was turning down women, but I should have asked more girls. The law of large numbers would've kicked in.

  8. I'd go to the empty tomb on Easter morning just as John was peeking inside. I'd give him a swift (5 seconds, to be exact) kick into the tomb. I figure the guy who won the race should get the bragging rights.

  9. I'd probably try to give myself the winning powerball numbers. Or the stock idea isn't bad either. Also, now that I hear it, telling younger me important things about having more sex would be a great idea too. I'd hope that if younger me got sex advice from fat, balding, current me, he'd realize the true importance of that advice and make every opportunity count. 🙂

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